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Financial Calculators
Here are some fundamental financial calculators our clients and we regularly use to build and maintain financial and investment plans. Working together we model through various what-if scenarios such as best-case and worst-case and then based on the outcome, we create contingency plans and adjustments clients need to make to stay on top of their investment goals.
Retirement Savings Calculator: Answer the question, “Given the value of my current investments how much do I need to save each month to reach my retirement goal?”
Retirement Nest Egg Calculator: Answer the question, “Given the value of my current investments and assuming future monthly investments of “X”, what will be the value of my retirement nest egg?”
Retirement Age Calculator: Answer the question, “Given the value of my current investments and assuming future monthly investments of “X”, at what age will I reach my retirement goal?”
Savings & Investment Calculator: This calculator easily answers the question “If I save ‘X’ amount for ‘Y’ months what will the value be at the end?”
Mortgage Calculator: You can calculate the mortgage loan amount from the real estate price by providing the down payment percentage. If you know the mortgage amount you can afford and the cash down payment percentage required, you can calculate the affordable real estate price.
Loan Calculator: Enter a “loan amount,” “number of months,” “annual interest rate.” The calculator calculates the number of monthly payments.